Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Laser Hair Removal, Remove Unwanted Hair

Excess, unwanted hair is often a problem for a woman, or a man. Women frequently experience this condition on the face, especially the upper lip or eyebrow area, in the bikini area, under the arms or on the legs. Men often want to get rid of hair on their back or chest.

Laser hair removal systems use laser light � an intense, pulsating beam of light � to remove unwanted hair. Your doctor may use multiple treatments to target areas such as the face, upper lip, neck, breasts, chest, underarms, back, abdomen, bikini line and legs.
A single treatment costs an average of $390, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Advantages of Laser Hair Removal

    * Many people have experienced long-lasting hair removal or permanent hair reduction.
    * It is considered safe if performed properly.
    * It's particularly useful for large areas such as backs or legs.
    * If regrowth occurs, it will be lighter in color or finer in texture.
    * Light-skinned consumers with dark hair have the best results.

Are you a candidate for laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is not for everyone. The most important requirement is that your hair must be darker than the surrounding skin. Tanned people with dark hair should wait until their tan fades before they are treated.
Darkly pigmented people absorb too much laser energy in their skin and are not good candidates.

What areas can be treated?

Any area can be treated, except near the eyes. The most common areas requested are the face, upper lip, neck, chest, periareolar, underarms, back, abdomen, bikini line, and legs.

Will laser hair removal hurt?

The level of pain from laser hair removal depends on the patient and the person's skin and hair type. Generally, the treatment tends to hurt less for people with lighter skin tones and finer hair. Most people tolerate laser hair removal very well.

If it is becoming uncomfortable, the laser technician can offer you topical anesthetic that numbs the skin. Depending on the type of laser being used, a cool laser tip, gel, or spray is always used to increase comfort of the laser hair removal treatment.

The sensation from laser hair removal has been described as discomfort rather than pain - similar to the feeling of a rubber band being snapped against your skin with a sensation of heat.

Permanent Hair Removal

The FDA does not allow for the marketing of technologies and services that state permanent hair removal. This is because most technologies provide for permanent reduction in hair growth 90% of the time. It is not perfect.

By Beverly Smith


So there would be a possibility of the hair to grow back but with lighter in color or finer in texture.


  1. I just recently removed my chest hair last month by laser hair removal treatment. I think its a best way to leave about the daily hair removing.I really enjoyed to read your article.You giving a really great services for laser hair removing to us.
    laser hair removal

  2. The look and feel of smooth skin is a need for many Men and Women. Whether it be on the face (for guys) and legs (for gals), individuals are looking for a solution that will eliminate hair, forever. Laser Hair Removal is now the best way to remove hair.
    Older methods of shaving, tweezing, waxing are becoming a huge hassle.

  3. I have a lots of unwanted hair when I was in elementary. So, I did a manual hair removal. But when I was in high school, i do waxing and I was so unsatisfied because of the pain. When I was in college, I do a the laser hair removal for men and I was so happy of what's the result.

  4. Most of us is having a problem of unwanted hair in our body.But with the advent of laser hair removal people tend to be at ease on how to solve their problems regarding unwanted hair.

    best regards,

  5. Hi!

    Laser hair removal is not for everyone. The most important requirement is that your hair must be darker than the surrounding skin. We offer ideal treatment for the overall well-being of a person with the powerful Chinese herbal therapy. So, visit our website for further information.

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